Thursday, May 22, 2014

Toe Tag Riot! A Comic About Zombie Punks Vs. The Westboro Baptist Church.


From Press Release:
   Told in a tongue-in-cheek style that can best be described as a comical orgy of blood and guts, the story follows TOE TAG RIOT, a mid 2000s street punk band who are cursed with temporary recurring zombification that transforms them into rotting undead whenever they perform their music. Meant to destroy their career, the woman who cursed them clearly understands nothing because Toe Tag Riot's new monster-punk look only propels the band into punk rock stardom.

   Finding that the transformation back into regular, filthy, punk rockers is taking longer and longer every time, the members of Toe Tag Riot go on a last cross-country tour in pursuit of the cure to their affliction, but being the ethical sometimes-zombies that they are, the band sticks toslaughtering only the worst of what humanity breeds: the homophobes of ONE MILLION MOMS, sexist date rapist DUDEBROS, and racist SKINHEADS, all on a path to an explosive showdown with the “God Hates Fags” hatemongers known as THE WESTBORO BAPTIST CHURCH.

   Combining elements of classic horror like Night of the Living Dead with a comedic monster edge a'la a GWAR live concert, TOE TAG RIOT is being described as “a satirical book for anyone who loves FUN and hates JERKS like the Westboro Baptist Church.”

   “I've always wanted to take a look deep inside the mind of a Westboro Baptist Church member. And by that, of course, I mean I want to see zombies eat their freakin' brains.” - MATT MINER, writer.

   “We all know deep down inside that Shirley Phelps is a terrible human being and we want to show people some of those insides. Like on the floor, or wherever." - SEAN VON GORMAN, artist.


Standard Cover Colors: Doug Garbark (PROPHET, IN THE DARK)
Variant Wraparound Cover Art: Vincent Kukua, colors by John Rauch


   Kickstarter is a crowdfunding platform used to fund new ideas and bring new concepts to life. Toe Tag Riot's Kickstarter project is running for 30 days, starting May 22, 2014.

  Backers to the Toe Tag Riot Kickstarter project have a wide range of rewards available to them including copies of Toe Tag Riot, original art, T-shirts, and appearances in the book itself.

or by using the redirect URLs of or


Please direct all media inquiries to

Matt Miner on Twitter: @MattMinerXVX
Sean Von Gorman on Twitter: @VonGormanArt

Toe Tag Riot Twitter hashtags: #toetagriot #godhateszombies #punkisundead

   If there is a comic on Kickstarter to back, this is the one! Pledges from $7 up start getting you great rewards.The first stage will get you a digital copy of the first issue and a thanks (in the issue you are getting). The more you can pledge, the cooler the prize. 

   I am really hyped about this comic. It's got originality, controversy, Zombie Punks, and, what I assume, is going to be an epic battle between said Zombie Punks and The Westboro Baptist Church. If you've never heard of the WBC; it's pretty much a bible thumping group of ignorant hatemongers that should have been swallowed before conception. WBC have already taken notice on Twitter once news started breaking of this series going to Kickstarter. 

I'm going to follow this one closely. 

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

WolfCop Trailer

   Today I happen to come across a trailer for a movie I'm surprised I haven't heard about yet. This is WolfCop, a movie about a cop that also happens to be a Werewolf. With a tag line like "half cop, half wolf, all WolfCop", how can this go wrong? A mix of horror and comedy fill the trailer with blood and laughter to create the type of concoction that really grabs my attention. I'll mark this one down on my "Need to watch" list.

   There is also a campaign going on over at Indiegogo here, to help expand upon WolfCop with things such as toys, comics, and other greatness. Help out if you can, but hurry because today is the last day!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Guardians of the Galaxy Trailer #2!

   Last week may have belonged to DC, but we start this week off with the second full length trailer for Guardians of the Galaxy. Each teaser and trailer that comes out for this movie seems to draw me in even more.

  Below is the post from the GotG facebook reveal. Take a look!

   As you watch the trailer you may notice a familiar face around 1:44, The Collector. In the after credits "bonus" scene of Thor: The Dark World; The Collector is given one of the Infinity Stones. I'm assuming the power stone since it is red and would match up with what we know from the comics. Why is this important? The answer is simple. Thanos.

  I know I'll be catching this one either on the early screening or night of release.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Godzilla Review!

  If it's not the look or sheer size of The King of Monsters that brings the chills down your spine, it's going to be the unmistakable roar that could make the Cloverfield monster piss itself. It's the roar everyone tries to mimic, but ends up sounding like a deaf Chewbacca. This Godzilla was what we needed. We needed a Godzilla movie to bury any notion that the 1998 flick ever happened. You know, the one where Ferris Bueller is a scientist that helps discover a T-rex that terrorizes NYC. It does, and should prove that eventually Hollywood can do something right.

    With every movie there is a story. With every story there is usually two sides. We don't always hear both sides of the story, but we can judge based on what we hear or see. The two sides of this story are between the monsters and humans. The monsters don't really give a single crap about the human presence at all, except for maybe the energy source we provide with our radioactive material. Other than that we aren't anything, but in the way. The human side, as usual, is more in depth and filled with emotion. I feel the balance between the two were very well managed for the most part. Towards the end I felt robbed of some monster fighting, but that could have just been me being selfish. 

   Cranston plays Joe Brody, father of Ford Brody (Aaron Taylor-Johnson), a nuclear power plant supervisor. Joe loses his wife when tremors, from an unknown source, begin to shake the plant into destruction. Years later, Joe and Ford (now military) are searching through the "quarantine zone" of the past events when they stumble upon some sort of super secret Japanese base where they are studying the source as it starts recreating the same tremors from Joe's worst days. When they are arrested for trespassing in said quarantine zone they are brought to the secret base where the MUTO (Massive Unidentified Terrestrial Organsims) is kept inside it's cocoon. We all know where this is going.

   The awakening of this beast causes all sorts of chaos, but also awakens what we've all been waiting for - Godzilla. As the MUTO look for a food source they pick the next best thing and head towards the United States west coast. The first appearance of Godzilla is nothing but stunning; a true spectacle to behold. Leading up to the battle of the gods we are brought in and out of both perspectives of the film. The military can't seem to contain the beasts, and the only obvious solution is to let them fight it out.

  As a whole the film was fun, entertaining, and creative. Director Gareth Edwards definitely stepped up and proved that America can make a good Godzilla film. The only problem I had with this movie is that I wanted more Godzilla. I wanted just a little more monster on monster mayhem. The fighting that did happen was cool, but may have been lacking due to it seeming short.

   All in all, I would suggest checking this movie out in theaters. Especially if you have a chance to catch in on a bigger screen like IMAX or RPX. 

Thursday, May 15, 2014

The Flash - Extended Trailer

  Yet again we are hit with something awesome. This time it comes shortly after we get the First Look of The Flash, now we get the extended trailer for the show. Could this be the rise of DC that we need? I hope these shows do great.

                        Check it out!

   If the trailer doesn't get you interested, then you probably shouldn't own a TV.

First Look at The Flash Coming This Fall!

   There is no doubt that DC Comics has dominated this week with all that has been released for their upcoming series and movies. We have a lot to look forward to. 

   Today we get the first look at The Flash coming this fall on The CW. The video doesn't show too much and teases just enough to send anyone interested into a frenzy. I like to see that they introduced him with Green Arrow (Arrow also on The CW). I hope we see some teaming up between the two series in the future.

   The Flash is one of my favorite DC characters and I'm really hoping this show does him justice. I don't own a DVR, but I think this fall is giving me a damn good excuse to get one.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

V/H/S: Viral Official Trailer

   Horror has always been one of my favorite genres. That feeling of anxiety, that at any moment something could happen that almost makes you shit your pants, is a like the rush you get while on a ride at an amusement park. The only downside with Horror movies is that they aren't always done right.

   If you haven't seen V/H/S or V/H/S/2 you are missing out on some great movies. I was extremely pleased with how both movies were done. Both movies are in the "found footage" style. It's not the same old Paranormal Activity type movie and goes for all the cheap jump scares, it actually brings some creativity to the mix. The first two movies can be found on Netflix.

   The video below is the first official trailer for V/H/S: Viral. I have to say this, like the others, looks like its going to live up to it's predecessors.

Trailer contains scenes from first two movies that may be considered spoilers.

I'll be keeping an eye out for when this releases to conduct a full review of the movie.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

First Image of Ben Affleck as Batman.

   Yesterday we got the trailer for Constantine, today we get a first look at Ben Affleck as Batman. When Ben Affleck was named to be the next actor to take up the role of the caped crusader, many fans thought negatively about the choice. I was one of the few who believes Affleck could do a great job. I remember how many people were upset when Heath Ledger was given the role of Joker, but now we couldn't picture it any other way. 


   I can't tell you if this movie is going to be good just by looking at the image, but I can tell you that it looks fantastic. It's definitely got a Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns vibe and, of course, the Zack Snyder dark artistic look he is so known for.  

Batman Vs Superman is scheduled to come out May 6, 2016

Monday, May 12, 2014

First Official Trailer for Constantine on NBC

   We truly live in a great time for entertainment. We've seen our comic book heroes explode onto the big screen and top the charts, but now they are also spilling out into the TV world. It's been happening for a while, but recently with shows like The Walking Dead, Arrow, and Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, it feels like we are entering an era of being spoiled with what we only dreamed of as children.

   Speaking of being spoiled, DC Comics is giving us both Gotham (on FOX) and Constantine (on NBC) this fall. To add some frosting on that delicious cake is the first trailer for Constantine. It looks great. Actor Matt Ryan is taking on the role of John Constantine. He looks and sounds like a great fit. I say "sounds", well, because he has a British accent, and John Constantine is supposed to be from Liverpool. Now all we need is some chain smoking (probably not going to happen).

Watch the trailer for yourself below.